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Funktionsreiche Anwendung für den Kanal Globe TV

Mediа & Unterhaltung
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Funktionsreiche Anwendung für den Kanal Globe TV


User Flow

A team of our UI designers worked on an app for Globe - a global TV channel dedicated to the theme of our planet. We were tasked with making a convenient and functional application that allows users to transfer the function of watching TV to their phones.

The designers took this step out for a comprehensive UX study to further design the app, navigation through it, and how the end user will use the product.


Home Page


On the main page, the entire program of the TV channel for the current day is presented in the form of circles. When clicking on the circle, the user is immediately directed to the video player. The main page also contains a selection of movies of different categories and genres.

As we mentioned above, the user can watch on the phone those programs that are currently on the air on TV. The full-format player is built into the app, and below the player, there is a page that tells you which programs will be on the air next.


Channel Guide


We also worked on a user-friendly interface for the TV program. There is a schedule with small text descriptions and previews, as well as detailed full-screen descriptions of individual programs with ratings.

Thanks to the integration of VOD (personal delivery of media content to the subscriber), the user of the mobile app can use the fast rewind programs. There is an opportunity to pause or save the movie on the air in the record. The user can also make a personal list of programs that they want to watch or have already seen. All movies are categorized. Plus, there is a personal list that the user makes themselves by marking movies with the heart button.


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