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A Digital Platform for Telco

About the client

Andersen's customer was a leading US-based Telecom operator offering fixed, mobile, and ICT services to all client segments. The customer wanted to strengthen its market position and increase its revenue stream by selling cross-industry offerings.

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Project overview

Andersen was approached by a leading US-based telecom operator offering fixed, mobile, and ICT services to all client segments. The customer wanted to strengthen its market position and revenue stream by selling converged and cross-industry offerings, including non-telecom partnerships and collaborations. The legacy landscape lacked flexibility and performance to work with third-party products and offerings at a scale.

duration12 months


Debezium, GraphQL, Kafka, REST/SOAP API, Clickhouse, Hadoop

Concept illustration
Page with subscriptions for smartphone packages


The customer had a few large and outdated legacy landscapes for various segments: mobile, fixed, and digital. It used to take a lot of effort to create converged offerings and was impossible to automate the selling and provisioning of third-party products. New products were required to create a cross-industry ecosystem. BAU resources had neither capacity nor expertise to design and built the entire project. The business demanded quick go-live.

App functionality

Andersen composed a team that took over the design and implementation of some of the ecosystem components – Product Inventory, Ordering, Billing – and integration of these components with the ecosystem and legacy landscapes. The team consisted of:

  • Solution Architects to generate an architectural vision;
  • Business Analysts to create high-quality design concepts;
  • Developers to deliver the software required;
  • A DevOps engineer to run the platform components on K8s.
Concept illustration
Screen demonstrating the design of the Finance page

Multiple releases were deployed in production, gradually enabling sales, ordering, and billing of different product lines and bundles.

In practical terms, the new platform makes it possible to quickly onboard new partners and create cross-industry offerings, ranging from telecom and banking to rental, media, and shopping. Namely, the customer’s team can now swiftly add partner offerings, create flexible bundles, sell partner products, bill clients, and settle accounts.

Project results

  • 8% increase of the average revenue per user (ARPU) in first year owing to new sales through the platform;
  • 15% increase of customer satisfaction with the self-service experience due to improved Back-end performance and stability;
  • Swift onboarding of new partners and the creation of cross-industry offerings;
  • Streamlined process for selling, billing, and settling accounts for partner products.

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