Wir unterstützen seit Jahren IT-Startups im Gesundheitswesen. Unser startup-freundlicher Ansatz ist eine Garantie für eine rechtzeitige und optimale Lieferung
Wachstum und Markterfolg: Mit Andersen erzielt Ihr Start-up optimale Ergebnisse
Mit Hunderten von erstklassigen digitalen Lösungen für IT-Startups im Gesundheitswesen entwickeln wir funktionsreiche und konforme Tools mit kurzerfristiger Markteinführung
Unsere Kunden haben Andersen als Top-Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen im Gesundheitswesen bewertet
Wir unterstützen seit Jahren IT-Startups im Gesundheitswesen. Unser startup-freundlicher Ansatz ist eine Garantie für eine rechtzeitige und optimale Lieferung
Mit Hunderten von erstklassigen digitalen Lösungen für IT-Startups im Gesundheitswesen entwickeln wir funktionsreiche und konforme Tools mit kurzerfristiger Markteinführung
Unsere Kunden haben Andersen als Top-Softwareentwicklungsunternehmen im Gesundheitswesen bewertet
Herausforderungen für Startup im Gesundheitswesen, die wir meistern
Mangelnde IT-Erfahrung im Gesundheitswesen
Das Gesundheitswesen ist etwas Besonderes, anders als jede andere Branche. Mit zahlreichen erfolgreich realisierten IT-Projekten im Gesundheitswesen ist Andersen der perfekte Technologiepartner, um gemeinsam mit Ihnen erstklassige Lösungen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.
Die Suche nach den richtigen Talenten
Die meisten Start-ups verfügen nicht über genügend Erfahrung und Ressourcen, um die richtigen IT-Talente mit den erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und Kenntnissen zu finden, einzustellen und zu engagieren. Der Andersen-Expertenpool ist Ihre Lösung!
Minimale Markteinführungszeit
Geschwindigkeit ist einer der wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für jedes Startup. Mit der Unterstützung von Andersen ist Ihr Team in der richtigen Position, um ein MVP in kürzester Zeit auf den Markt zu bringen.
Hohe Betriebskosten
Spezifisches technisches Know-how im Gesundheitswesen sowie effektives Projektmanagement, Budgetierung und Berichterstattung von Andersen helfen Ihnen, Ihre Betriebs- und Kapitalkosten deutlich zu senken.
Einhaltung von Vorschriften
Die Delivery- und QA-Teams von Andersen sind mit HIPAA, PIPEDA, GDPR und anderen geltenden Vorschriften bestens vertraut und halten sich an ISO 13485, IEC 62304, ISO 9001 u.a.
Cybersicherheit und IP-Schutz
Vertraulichkeit und IP-Schutz stehen bei allen Entwicklungsprojekten an erster Stelle. Wir halten uns strikt an die ISO 27001 für das Management der Informationssicherheit im Gesundheitswesen.
Dienstleistungen von Andersen für Startups im Gesundheitswesen
Make the Healthcare business you are responsible for truly modern and highly effective by obtaining reliable and convenient-to-use TeleMedicine and TeleHealth solutions developed by Andersen's top-notch software development team.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- TeleHealth app development and integration services
- World-class UI/UX design for TeleMedicine solutions
- Data protection, security, and support services
Make the Healthcare business you are responsible for truly modern and highly effective by obtaining reliable and convenient-to-use TeleMedicine and TeleHealth solutions developed by Andersen's top-notch software development team.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- TeleHealth app development and integration services
- World-class UI/UX design for TeleMedicine solutions
- Data protection, security, and support services
With Andersen's top Electronic Medical Record and Electronic Health Record solutions, you will always be in the right position to effectively, safely, and seamlessly process sensitive medical data, provide high-quality medical services, and drive greater revenues.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- Development of advanced and secure EHR/EMR systems
- Improvement and customization of EHR/EMR systems
- Integration of EHR/EMR systems with other clinical software
Always be ready to treat your patients in full compliance with the highest standards via Mobile Healthcare Applications envisioned, designed, and developed by Andersen's outstanding pool of IT talent.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- User-friendly mobile apps for patients
- Secure and feature-rich mobile apps for doctors
- Advanced mobile apps for entire medical facilities
Utilize and benefit from the enormous advantages that AI and ML promise to the Healthcare industry and Healthcare providers. With these technologies, you will treat patients and process health data in a more effective fashion in order to succeed in highly competitive markets.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- Smart speech recognition software and chatbots
- Reliable text and medical image recognition tools
- Healthcare analytics and Augmented Intelligence
Taking care of mentally challenged patients is an extremely sensitive aspect of medicine. With Mental Health Digital Solutions envisioned, designed, developed, and deployed by Andersen, it will be much easier for you to help them in a humane, understanding, and effective way.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- Mobile apps for mental health patients
- Mental health-specific EHR/EMR solutions
- Mental health-focused and compliant services
Remote Patient Monitoring Software envisioned and developed by Andersen's IT team will ensure that your patients will be examined, monitored, and cared for even in the most challenging medical conditions, and in full compliance with all required standards.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- RPM software to collect and assess medical data
- Reliable solutions to track medication adherence
- Digital solutions for mental health
Modern, effective, and data-driven approaches to Healthcare make it a must for companies to apply cutting-edge Health Information Exchange Software. That's why Andersen is the optimal vendor, as we possess industry-specific IT expertise.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- Development of Health Information Exchange interfaces
- Flexible repositories for HIE data aggregation
- Top-notch solutions for HIE data management
Running your Healthcare business while meeting all applicable medical standards and business goals will be much easier with Medical Practice Management Software delivered by Andersen's top developers with deep expertise in Healthcare IT solutions.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- Patient Information Management software compliant with all standards
- Reporting, billing, and claim processing tools
- Scheduling apps and feature-rich medical CRM systems
Andersen's top-notch Healthcare software developers are known for their track record, industry-specific expertise, total compliance with all applicable professional standards, and commitment to fruitful and effective collaborations.
Andersen is ready to deliver:
- Healthcare Business Analysts with proven expertise
- Experienced Healthcare PMs and software developers
- Healthcare UI/UX designers, architects, and QA engineers
Revenue Cycle Management Software of top-notch quality, built by Andersen's team of expert software developers, is the best possible guarantee of your efficiency, profitability, and transparency as a modern Healthcare provider.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- Medical coding and billing software solutions
- Effective claim management and eligibility verification
- Revenue Cycle Management reporting and Healthcare analytics
Stay on top of your efficiency as a modern Healthcare provider with top-notch PACS and DICOM Software developed by Andersen's expert IT team in accordance with your medical, professional, and business requirements.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- DICOM viewer development and web programming
- PACS server software development and implementation
- Second opinion teleradiology solutions
Ensure seamless dataflows by entrusting the development of a high-performing, secure, and 100% compliant Health Information System to Andersen’s expert IT team.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- Effective tools for paperless patient registration
- Adaptable eConsent solutions for generating forms
- Medical Records Management solutions for processing patient information
Provide your patients with the best medical services while staying cost-effective with the Custom Assistive Technology Software Solutions envisioned and built by Andersen's IT experts focused on excellence and optimal performance.
Andersen's team is ready to deliver:
- Software for assisted living and communication
- Assistive tech for vision and hearing impairment
- Improvements for greater website accessibility
Expand your business, capitalize on valuable insights, and win more loyal partners and patients by applying advanced Healthcare Data Analytics Software built by Andersen specifically for your unique needs.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- Solutions to input and process medical data
- Healthcare data extracting and cleansing
- Seamless support for medical data-related issues
Healthcare is not only an extremely competitive but also closely regulated industry, with numerous guidelines that medical providers need to follow. Handling this legal and tech challenge will be much simpler with Andersen's expertise in Health Information Security and Compliance.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- Thorough security audits for Healthcare IT projects
- Healthcare cyber security maintenance and training
- Automated software audit using specialized testing tools
Manage your Healthcare facility effectively while retaining the highest standards of patient care by using state-of-the-art Hospital Management Software envisioned and built by Andersen's team of IT experts.
Andersen's team is ready to help you with:
- Development of hospital information software
- IoT real-time location systems for hospitals
- Hospital CRM systems and clinical decision support tools
With custom software solutions designed by Andersen specifically for your medical facility's needs, it will be much easier for you to be an outstanding healthcare provider while remaining cost-efficient.
We are ready to deliver:
- Healthcare IT consulting services
- Staff augmentation for complex IT projects
- Comprehensive product development services (PDS)
Ihr Preisrechner
Bitte teilen Sie uns die wichtigsten Details Ihrer Anforderungen mit, damit wir den Preis der Dienstleistung so schnell wie möglich für Sie berechnen können. Wenn Sie diese Angaben noch nicht machen können, nehmen Sie bitte Kontakt mit uns auf, um eine individuelle Beratung für Ihren speziellen Fall zu erhalten.
Andersen ist ständig bereit, Sie bei den Projekten aller Komplexität zu unterstützen.

Wir sind stolz auf die herausragenden Projekte, an denen Andersen teilgenommen hat. Dies sagen Kunden über unser Know-how in der Softwareentwicklung:
Unsere Projekte
Kunden aus den USA, Europa, dem Nahen Osten und anderen Regionen verlassen sich auf unsere Softwarelösungen für das Gesundheitswesen
Kostenlose Beratung anfordern
Weitere Schritte
Nachdem wir Ihre Anforderungen analysiert haben, meldet ein Experte bei Ihnen;
Bei Bedarf unterzeichnen wir ein NDA, um den höchsten Datenschutz sicherzustellen;
Wir legen ein umfassendes Projektangebot mit Schätzungen, Fristen, CVs usw. vor.
Kunden, die uns vertrauen: