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A Finance-Centered QA Project Delivered for a Bank

Financial Services

Head of BA and QA Department

"I would like to admit the Andersen team's quick start"

A Finance-Centered QA Project Delivered for a Bank

About the client

Andersen's customer was a rapidly expanding FinTech company offering modern financial software to banks.

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About the project

The project was initiated by a fast-growing FinTech software provider that empowers financial institutions to accelerate their digital transformation processes to effectively compete in the digital-first world. The resulting state-of-the-art digital banking software solution unifies data and functionality from traditional core systems and advanced FinTech players in one app.

duration6 months
Soap UI


Jira, Confluence


  • No set testing processes
  • No defect flow, issues weren’t registered in Jira
  • No testing strategy
  • No testing documentation
  • Regression testing was not provided


  • Andersen's team conducted a QA Audit
  • The testing process was built from scratch
  • The defect flow and registration rules were set up
  • The team defined test strategy and created test documentation for increasing test coverage
  • SDLC was updated
  • The team introduced and set up TestRail as a test management system


  • We set up QA process and included QA team to Scrum events
  • All testing activities are carried out by QA team, BA and Dev team free of testing
  • We reduced defects reported by the users by 90%
  • We set clear and structured test documentation flow by means of a test documentation management system

Client's feedback


Head of BA and QA Department



Ich möchte den schnellen Start des Teams anmerken. Tatsächlich waren die Jungs in den ersten beiden Sprints in den Produktionsprozess involviert und übernahmen einige der Aufgaben, die bereits in Produktion waren. Aufgeschlossene Teammitglieder, die bereit waren, ihre Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung von Testprozessen zu teilen. Alle Änderungen am Produktionsprozess wurden konsequent umgesetzt.

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