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A Solution to Deliver Data on the Usage of Charging Stations


Product Owner

"Andersen's BA expertise and ability to grasp our priorities and translate them into a practical language deserve to be praised."

A Solution to Deliver Data on the Usage of Charging Stations

About the Client

In this business case, our customer was a company working in the e-car industry. In this capacity, it uses software to supervise and manage charging stations dispersed across huge territories.

[object Object] on the map

About the project

Andersen’s team has accomplished the Discovery phase for a complex project. The customer, a manufacturer of e-vehicle charging stations, faced a problem. Their team had no reliable information on how their stations were used by end clients after being installed. Hence, the customer needed a solution capable of closing this data gap.

The project goal was to outline a tool to quickly and seamlessly collect, process, and display a range of usage parameters. Such information was required to flexibly adapt the charging stations to the changing market requirements and usage patterns. As a result of the project Discovery stage, the customer has obtained the necessary documentation and guidelines to develop a truly effective IT solution.

duration3+ months
Spring Boot
Concept illustration
Ticket dashboard to handle IT issues


Discovery purpose

At the Discovery stage, Andersen's team envisioned a solution to track all the items and equipment and create new offerings for end clients. With this solution, all the conditions and tech specifications will be swiftly processed in real-time and conveniently displayed. On top of that, the solution will be accessible via portable devices and adjusted to smartphones.

Concept illustration
Map with addresses of charging stations

App functionality

  • Management of cooperation processes with clients;
  • Separation responsibilities among the company staff and increasing automation of their work;
  • Embedded ADT module with relevant alerts for better care coordination;
  • Information services for EV drivers to find charging stations nearby;
  • User, role, and permission management;
  • Possibilities to check and manage charging and payment data;
  • Integration with the current software;
  • Support for clients.

Project results

  • The project Discovery phase was completed three weeks ahead of schedule;
  • The solution has optimized the management of charging stations and improved business efficiency;
  • The software has helped the customer achieve a 30% increase in business process automation and staff efficiency rates.

Customer review


Product Owner



Ich kann mit Freude zugeben, dass mir die Art und Weise gefällt, wie unsere produktive Zusammenarbeit mit Andersen organisiert wurde. Die Technologieexperten, die Andersen uns zur Verfügung gestellt hat, sind echte Profis und beherrschen alle Technologien, die zum Erreichen der gesetzten Ziele erforderlich sind. Alles wird pünktlich und vollständig geliefert. Andersens BA-Fachwissen und seine Fähigkeit, unsere Prioritäten zu erfassen und in eine praktische Sprache zu übersetzen, verdienen Lob.

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