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An IoT and Big Data-Based Logistics Tool for Handling Cargo

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An IoT and Big Data-Based Logistics Tool for Handling Cargo

About the client

The customer was a logistics-focused company. It provides comprehensive and data-driven services for cargo owners and other supply chain participants. Owing to our effort, the customer now runs a platform for managing assets and goods at a global scale, with over 450 parties involved.

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Project overview

The customer contacted Andersen to achieve an ambitious goal in the logistics business. Namely, the company's objective was to develop a platform for managing assets and goods at a global scale with over 450 parties involved in the flows and processes. As such, the resulting logistics tool was expected to provide comprehensive and data-driven services for cargo owners and other supply chain participants.

In order to help the business attain this goal, we augmented its software development team with tech professionals from our IT talent pool: QA engineers, both Front-end and Back-end developers, as well as UI/UX and Graphic designers.

With such a team at its disposal, the customer company was in the right position to create groundbreaking data-driven innovations and build an ecosystem to support the development of thoughtful and elegant logistics applications.

The customer's core business line is the development and manufacturing of advanced and smart hardware devices. As such, these products track and monitor entire fleets, cargos, and any asset in real-time. The tech foundation for such functionalities is constituted by a purpose-built intelligent cloud platform and web-based rail and tanktainer fleet management software. The latter leverages hardware and Big Data to enable better data-driven decision-making.

The main challenge our team faced while delivering this IT project was to implement multiple complex tasks set by the customer quickly and efficiently.

duration10 months
Concept illustration
Report visualizing data in the form of a diagram

App functionality

Working on this ambitious and challenging IT initiative, Andersen has successfully contributed to the following deliverables:

  • An analytics engine that makes it possible to reduce waste and loss by handling cargo in a more effective, secure, and accountable fashion;
  • An event processing engine to design and create customized events. As a result, effective triggers will be in place to cover specific use cases when a need arises;
  • Updates of locations, usage information, and sensor readings in real-time – as often as every five minutes;
  • Capabilities to extract, process, and analyze data – i.e., to obtain, store, and process data from smart hardware devices or any ITSS IF 1-compatible third-party gateway. The data is then processed and assessed to meet the specific needs of clients;
  • Big Data processing. In this context, Big Data means millions of heterogeneous data points and pieces generated every day, ranging from route processing information to mileage and shock analysis. This data then can be accessed via a BI reporting tool or API;
  • User and access management features offer an advanced toolset. It enables administrators to grant different rights and manage users or clients. The range of specific and detailed rights and roles cover all the potential use cases for different assets.


During this IT project, Andersen's task was to design, implement, and test software solutions matching the customer's requirements. On top of that, we assumed responsibility for tuning, running, and maintaining the resulting software deliverables.

In close collaboration with the customer's in-house team, we have ensured such results as high-functional software architecture, pleasant design, and successful development in accordance with the product roadmap.

As for our software engineers' involvement, it encompassed data and software modeling, the REST API design, code refactoring, data migration modules, geofencing, sorting tables, etc. In addition, our specialists significantly contributed to improving the platform's mobile version. One of our QA engineers wrote test cases and performed regression and smoke tests. Finally, our UI/UX experts created user-friendly designs for the asset management portal.

Project results

  • The developed platform for asset and commodity management has had a significant positive impact on the customer's business operations and logistics processes;
  • The solution enabled the customer to prevent the emission of 30,000 tons of CO2 in 2021, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and benefiting the environment;
  • The tool proved itself effective for tracking and analyzing assets, with over 181,000 assets tracked and over 1.6 billion IoT data points analyzed on a monthly basis.

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